in the next few weeks we will be seeing major changes in the Goldenfeast Food line. Since being purchased by Versele-Laga, they have been committed to increased consistency and quality of the line of foods and most of the blends have been revamped and some have been discontinued.
Here is a brief summary of what you will soon see. The blends that have been continued will see some changes in ingredients and we will be posting those changes as soon as we have them.
There will be eight Bountiful Food Blends:
Australian Blend
Blend for lovebirds, parrotlets, cockatiels, conures and other small to medium birds
Patagonian Blend (formerly Petite Hookbill)
Blend for lovebirds, parrotlets, cockatiels, conures and other small to medium birds
South American Blend (formerly Conure Gourmet)
Blend for cockatiels, conures and other medium to large birds
Central American Blend
Blend for cockatiels, conures and other medium to large birds
Indonesian Blend (formerly Hookbill Legume)
Blend for parrots, macaws, cockatoos and other large birds.
Madagascar Blend
Blend for parrots, macaws, cockatoos and other large birds
Amazon Blend (formerly Schmitt's Original)
Blend for parrots, macaws, cockatoos and other large birds
Caribbean Blend (formerly Caribbean Bounty)
Blend for parrots, macaws, cockatoos and other large birds
There will be four Bountiful Treat Blends
Paradise Treat Mix (formerly Fruits and Nuts Plus)
Blend for parrots, macaws, cockatoos and other large birds
Bonita Nut Mix (formerly Bonita Loco)
Blend for parrots, macaws, cockatoos and other large birds
Tropical Fruit Mix (formerly Tropical Fruit Pudding blend)
Blend for parrots, macaws, cockatoos and other large birds
Bean Supreme Treat Mix
Blend for parrots, macaws, cockatoos and other large birds
Veggie Fruit Crunch (formerly Veggie Crisps Delight)
Blend for parrots, macaws, cockatoos and other large birds
All current sizes will be going away. Most blends will come in 3lb and 17.5lb sizes (bags), with the except of the Veggie Fruit Crunch, which will come in 3lb and 15lb sizes.